#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class Customer {
char name[20];
int p,q;
char city[20];
char v[10];
int n;
Customer(int a) { p=a;
int getdata() {
cout << "\nEnter your name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "\nEnter your city: "; cin >> city;
cout << "\nEnter current account balance: "; cin >> p;
cout << "\nEnter account type:"; cin>>v;
cout << "\n Set your password: "; cin>>q; }
int deposit() { int dep;
cout << "\nEnter amount to be deposited: ";
cin >> dep; p=p + dep; }
int withdraw() { int wdraw;
cout << "\nEnter amount to be withdrawn: ";
cin >> wdraw; p=p - wdraw; }
int showdata() { int n; cout << "\nEnter pasword: "; cin >> n; if (n==10)
{ cout<<"Name:Asim wadood";
cout<<"\nAccount Balance: Rs."<<p;
cout<<"\nAccount type: current";
cout << "\nCity: " <<"kohat";}
if (n==11)
{cout<<"name:ayaz haider";
cout<<"\nAccount Balance: Rs."<<p;
cout<<"\nAccount type: current";
cout << "\nCity: " << "kohat";}
if (n==12)
{ cout<<"name:Abid shah";
cout<<"\nAccount Balance: Rs."<<p;
cout<<"\nAccount type: fixed";
cout << "\nCity: " << "kohat";}
if (n==13)
{ cout<<"name:Abdul hameed";
cout<<"\nAccount Balance: Rs."<<p;
cout<<"\nAccount type: current";
cout << "\nCity: " << "kohat";}
if (n==q)
{cout << "\nEnter your name: "<<name;
cout << "\nEnter your city: "<<city;
cout << "\nEnter current account balance: "<<p;
cout << "\nEnter account type:"<<v;
}; int main() { char choice; int z = 0;
Customer cust(1000); while (z == 0) {
cout<<"\n*********WELCOME TO ASIM BANK ACCOUNT SYSTEM***********\n\n";
cout << "\n\t" << "Main Menu";
cout << "\n\t" << "Select by letter:";
cout << "\n\t" << "a - Add a customer.";
cout << "\n\t" << "d - Deposit money.";
cout << "\n\t" << "w - Withdraw money.";
cout << "\n\t" << "s - Show Account Information.";
cout << "\n\t" << "q - Quit Application.\n\n";
cout << "Choice: ";
choice = getch(); switch(choice) { case 'a':
system("cls"); int n;
case 'd':
cout << "\nEnter password: ";
cin >> n; cust.deposit();
system("cls"); break; case 'w':
cout << "\nEnter password: ";
cin >> n; cust.withdraw();
system("cls"); break;
case 's':
getch(); system("cls");
break; case 'q':
z = 1; break;
cout << "\nInvalid selection. Press a key to return to main menu.";
getch(); }
if (z == 1)
{ break;
} }
return 0;}
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